It is ironic that loaded and popular pop stars would take the services of prostitutes or would visit brothels, rather than exploiting their popularity to charm equally attractive people. There are also gossips about rock stars and musicians who have sexual relations with groupies while on tour. Having said this, they still yearn for sexual intimacy with call girls and escorts.
Rumor has it that pop stars who visit Sydney or perform in the area indulge in illicit commercial sex. They always look for a top Sydney brothel where discreet prostitutes can give them a good time. The following pop sensations were alleged to have paid for prostitutes and did it Down Under:
- Justin Bieber
Recently, Justin Bieber has been linked to several prostitution scandals. In fact, photos of him going outside a prominent brothel in Brazil circulated online. Even with the enforced security measures by his bodyguards, Bieber was identified due to his tattoos.
According to reports, Bieber paid £1,200 for two Brazilian prostitutes. The girls were also spotted trailing Bieber’s car after he got out of the brothel. When the pop star was in Sydney for a tour, he was said to have arranged a party in his suite. However, the catch is that those who would “join him” must sign an agreement. The contract instructs “party-goers” to not tweet or post photos while at the party. Else, pay $5 million.
- Hugh Grant
The actor/pop star was marred with a sex scandal after he was caught with an escort during one of his dalliances. Gossip blogs reveal that Grant was also involved in numerous sexual affairs with prostitutes every time he’s in Australia.
- Boy George
Then pop sensation Boy George was found guilty of detaining a male escort in 2009. He was accused of hitting and thrashing the said escort, aside from cuffing him to a fixture. According to tittle-tattle from male escort companies in Australia, Boy George paid escorts for “company” and whatnot.
- Miley Cyrus
We all know that after Liam called off their engagement, Miley became more open about herself and her sexuality (aka a total wreck). Celebrity blogs reported her having casual one night stands with male and female escorts. Some even envied her for getting to enjoy “the best of both worlds.”